Whether it is technology, information, society, or the development of all walks of life, it is obvious. Since the first industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, the third wave of the computer revolution in the twentieth century until today's Artificial Intelligence era, the production efficiency of humankind has been continuously improved. However, in the process, the negative emotions of human beings such as anxiety and stress have not decreased but increased with the improvement of production efficiency, and many contemporary diseases, sleep disorders, and other related problems have emerged. For this reason, in 2020, Emergisense Health & Technology Limited was founded in Taipei, dedicated to "enhancing the happiness of mankind" and regaining the core values and pace of life.
In recent years, wearable electronic devices have gradually entered human life. Through the sensors and artificial intelligence on the devices, through the collection, calculation, and analysis of physiological data, electronic devices can often understand their health status better than users and provide Scientific and suitable suggestions to predict future health conditions. We strive to go from knowing our situation (Knowing), proposing solutions (Advising) to changing the quality of life (Changing) so that people can regain control over their sleep quality and stress.
In addition, the wearable market has matured. As the sensors continue to evolve and grow, we will also actively look for strong partners backed by superior software technology, provide hardware manufacturers with robust software services, and strengthen the practicality of wearable devices And reliability. Emergisense Health & Technology Limited believes that we can find the road to happiness for human beings in such a mutually beneficial cycle.
The Vision